The innate immune response in the brain – Rintrah (2025)

The innate immune response in the brain – Rintrah (1)

I’m guessing most of you who are unvaccinated must have noticed it by now. When you are around people who seem to have a persisting respiratory infection, who are constantly sneezing and coughing, you get a weird headache. Generally these people are vaccinated against COVID and blame their “allergies” for the fact that they’re constantly coughing and sneezing.

So what is that weird headache? Well it’s important to understand that the immune system in the unvaccinated responds differently than in the vaccinated. This has advantages and disadvantages. A new study in rodents again confirms this. It shows what I argued before, that in the unvaccinated, you can expect to see an increase in natural killer cells in the brain. This takes a while to happen, it’s a delayed response to infection.

The study finds that there’s a persistent population of dendritic cells and/or Natural Killer cells, that show up in the frontal cortex of the brain, at some point between 6 and 30 days after infection, as they’re found at 30 days, but not at 6 days.

I quote:

CD45highCD11b- cells, which are primarily dendritic cells or Natural Killer cells, were increased in number at 30 dpi, but not at 6 dpi, in the cortex (Suppl. Fig. 2e-f).

If I were a charlatan, I would tell you this is all fine and dandy. But immunology is an endless series of trade-offs. The immune cells that migrate into your brain are going to be aggressive when necessary. What they found in this study is that upon breakthrough infections, there’s no real interleukin 1beta response in the brain, whereas there is in the unvaccinated.

These pro-inflammatory cytokines tell the brain to temporarily reduce the birth of new neurons, as dividing cells are much easier for viruses to infect and the brain needs to focus on defending itself.

This boost in pro-inflammatory cytokines is temporary, it returns to normal after 30 days. It’s mostly caused by the monocytes entering the brain. The monocytes in the brain are important in encouraging NK cells to enter the brain (hence why it takes at least 6 days before they show up).

Of course you have to keep in mind, that the white blood cells, particularly the NK cells that have migrated into the brain, entered the brain for a reason. They’re there to keep the brain safe, during any future encounters with the virus.

This is just not something you want to turn off. It’s a delayed protective mechanism that takes relatively long to develop. It’s there for a reason. NK cells take up residence in tissues where they’re needed and they adjust their behavior to become welcome guests in those tissues. As an example, in the central nervous system, NK cells release acetylcholine to calm down any excessive inflammation produced by infiltrating monocytes.

This in turn means that when you get re-exposed to the virus, these cells prepare themselves for that reality. There’s a particularly strong increase seen in cells migrating into the frontal cortex of the brain. So it makes perfect sense, that when you are exposed to high concentrations of the virus, you’re going to feel your immune system getting ready in the frontal part of your brain.

There are other things you may notice too. If the immune activation is particularly aggressive, you may notice yourself getting tired, depressed and/or anxious. When I sat in the bus, sleep deprived, on my way back to Holland, surrounded by coughing elderly, I felt miserable and exhausted for a week, despite having a great time at the festival.

You can also get a kind of swollen feeling in your sinuses, this also feels like a frontal headache. This is also a result of immune cells getting ready to fight. What can help then is inhaling hot moist air, particularly if you put some inhalation capsules in there, with eucalyptus or terpenes like pinene or menthol.

This is unfortunately just part of the brave new world we now live in. Since 2022, almost everyone in Western cities is just continually being exposed to a virus that has a habit of causing brain damage.

So what should you do about it? Well, it’s all kind of trial and error, isn’t it? What works well in people, what I recommended before, is to take a small (not a microdose) dose of Psilocybe mushrooms every once in a while. We have articles now where they ask medical experts how this might work, so we know a lot of people notice it’s doing something. There’s the obvious stuff, like physical exercise. You should go jogging from time to time, but wait a bit if you recently recovered from illness.

I also recommend people to take some cannabis at least once in a while. This allows your brain to get rid of the amyloid that builds up. There are other things that work, to quench excess inflammation in the brain. Salvia Divinorum has been shown to work to help inflamed blood vessels in the brain.

Of course, I have regularly recommended people to eat Natto. You can take Nattokinase, but I prefer to recommend eating real Natto, it has other enzymes and fermentation products the bacteria produce, that are known to help the body’s endothelial cells.

Obviously, you have to take good care of your teeth. You should brush and floss regularly, but you should also consider rinsing your teeth with some tea. All sorts of junk can get stuck under your gums, where it triggers constant inflammation in response to bacteria and viruses that can attack the brain.

Now specifically for people who were vaccinated against this virus, I have an important recommendation. Cannabinoids are important in regulating the immune response, they have a tendency to suppress an overly dominant adaptive immune response, particularly from mature B cells. This is the best available solution I have seen, to the IgG4 class shift problem.

Through cannabinoids like THC and CBD, the mature B cells secreting these antibodies are encouraged to undergo apoptosis, whereas NK cells and other arms of the innate immune system are encouraged to do their job. Listing all the evidence for this here would make this a very long post, I recommend you to look at this yourself.

Heavy use of cannabinoids, is the only thing I’ve seen that I think is a sustainable response to the faulty immune reprogramming induced by vaccination. One thing I will point out is that heavy cannabis use helps restore the immune balance in people living with HIV. It’s also observed that it reduces their senescent T cell population, while increasing the naive T cell population, which is what you want to see. It’s a general tendency that’s noticed, that cannabis helps address various (auto)immune conditions.

What the cannabinoids do can basically be thought of as telling an old dysfunctional adaptive immune response to get out of the way. That is of course, the exact problem that has to be solved in these SARS-COV-2 breakthrough infections: The vaccinated are stuck with an old dysfunctional adaptive immune response of T cells and B cells that have begun producing the wrong antibodies and constantly receive encouragement to proliferate again in response to breakthrough infections. This also forces any new T cells and B cells trying to join the fight, to focus on whatever parts of the Spike protein these old cells are not targeting yet.

As illustrated by this study I linked to at the top, the innate immune system has basically been side-lined in these vaccinated people, especially in the brain. It has not received an opportunity to join the fight against this pathogen, even though it will inevitably have to be the innate immune system that solves this problem.

We know how the immune system reacts to persistent malaria exposure: It develops a specialized population of NK cells that deliver people immunity against malaria, after multiple infections. These cells gradually decline again, once malaria disappears.

We also know how the body develops immunity to Dengue and Chikungunya virus: Plasmacytoid dendritic cells recognize the virus and activate the NK cells, thereby controlling the infection. Again, as I have shown before, the plasmacytoid dendritic cells and the NK cells spread into affected tissues and establish resident populations upon a SARS-COV-2 infection, but only if the host was not first vaccinated against the virus.

When the adaptive immune response fails, the innate immune system will not be able to jump in and solve the problem. As I cited above, it takes more than six days, before the NK cells and dendritic cells begin to migrate into the brain. It takes time and multiple exposures, for the innate immune system to properly prepare itself for infections of this nature.

This lack of a proper innate immune response in the brain is a problem that’s going to reveal itself once we start to see variants of the virus that systemically disseminate.

The innate immune response in the brain – Rintrah (2025)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.