The 27 Best Crumbl Cookie Flavors | Food For Net (2024)

The 27 Best Crumbl Cookie Flavors | Food For Net (1)

Crumbl Cookies has gone from being almost unknown to an unbelievable sensation. The company is famous for its delicious fresh cookies, with new stores popping up almost without pause throughout the country. The best Crumbl cookie flavors flavors are part of what makes them famous.

The menu changes every single week, featuring four or five new cookies, plus their classic milk chocolate chip.

Some of the flavors are fan favorites that are returning for another round, while others are completely new. But, with so many new flavors and an ever-changing menu, things can get confusing fast. There isn’t even an official list of Crumbl cookies to guide you. So then, what are the best Crumbl Cookie flavors?

That’s what we’re looking at today.

There’s plenty of room for subjectivity, of course, as we don’t all like the same things. Despite this, some Crumbl Cookie flavors stand out above the crowd. They’re the ones that people keep a keen eye out for in the rotation and they taste simply amazing.

P.S. If you want more predictable or recognizable flavors, why not check out some cookie of the month clubs instead? These come in plenty of styles and ship out cookies to you each month.

You can also order gourmet cookies online from any number of companies. These give you even more treats to experiment with (and there are some truly remarkable ones in the mix).

Table of Contents

The Best Crumbl Cookie Flavors To Watch For (With Pictures!)

Aggie Blue Mint

This flavor is a reference to the Aggie Blue Mint ice cream sold at Utah State University. It is a cookies and cream cookie, covered with a mint-flavored swirl of Aggie Blue buttercream.

The recipe replicates the flavor of the ice cream almost exactly (which is also a combination of cookies, cream, and mint). Plus, this is a chilled cookie, so it really is reminiscent of ice cream. What more could you ask for?

It’s easy to see why this cookie is one of the most popular Crumble Cookies. With flavors like cookies and cream, mint, and chocolate, it’s hard to go wrong.

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A cornbread cookie doesn’t sound like it should work. For one thing, everyone likes their cornbread differently, with variations in the amount of sweetness, the ingredients used, the texture, and the color. Plus, who turns cornbread into a cookie?

Crumbl Cookies, that’s who.

Not only does this cookie work, but it’s consistently popular. It maintains many of the features of real cornbread and comes with a frosting of honey butter buttercream.

That’s not all. If you serve the cookie warm, the glaze and frosting start to melt into the cookie. This makes it taste even better.

Birthday Cake

The birthday cake cookie isn’t as unusual or exciting as many of Crumbl’s other flavors. It’s simply a cake flavored cookie with some sprinkles and cream cheese frosting. That’s it.

While other companies may offer similar cookies, few are as popular as Crumbl’s birthday cake. Simple or not, Crumbl has got their version perfect. They’ve even balanced the sweetness well. That’s impressive, as so many cake-style cookies are overwhelmingly sweet.

Crumbl does have other birthday cake versions in the mix too, including a Valentine version and a patriotic one.

Chocolate Cake

The name really says it all with this cookie. It really is like a chocolate cake. Not just any chocolate cake either, but one that is incredibly rich in chocolate.

In fact, it’s a chocolate chip stuffed chocolate flavored cookie, that then has a chocolate fudge topping and chocolate curls on the top. The treat even looks like a baby chocolate cake and manages to have some of the same texture.


Birthday cake and chocolate cake are familiar enough as cookie flavors. But, waffle? That’s a completely different story.

This isn’t a flavor you’d expect in cookies at all, yet Crumbl Cookies has pulled it off. The waffle cookie really does have all the flavor of a breakfast waffle, with sweet buttercream frosting on top and even some breakfast syrup.

The design is amazing too, as the cookie is scored much like a waffle and the icing is dolloped on top exactly like a pat of butter. Just look at it. Isn’t it exactly what you’d hope for?

Cookie Dough

Here’s a fun idea – a cookie designed to taste like unbaked cookie dough. Why not? After all, plenty of us eat cookie dough regularly, even with the slight risk of food poisoning.

The treat starts with a simple brown sugar cookie that’s served chilled and has a little chewiness. It actually ends up tasting like an underbaked cookie (which isn’t a bad thing in this context. Then, there is cookie dough flavored buttercream, plus chocolate chips and cookie dough pieces on top.

Some people take the cookie one step further and eat it with cookie dough ice cream on top. You could even make a cookie ice cream sandwich with it.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup

Crumbl also has the habit of creating exciting cookies from candy bar favorites. Their Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup cookie is one of the most popular examples.

There’s a lot going on here, as the cookie itself even has pieces of peanut butter cups mixed through it. It’s then topped with peanut butter icing and more peanut butter cup pieces. Decadent, right?

Not surprisingly, the peanut butter flavors are intense here. The cookie is particularly good when served warm, as everything gets gooey and even tastier. Of course, this one is reserved for people who love peanut butter. If you’re not a fan, it’s not the right treat for you.

Mint Brownie

The name says all you need to know here. The treat starts off with a chocolate cookie base, then green mint icing and delicious chocolate to top it all off.

It’s an incredibly popular dessert, even among people who don’t really enjoy mint. That might be because the mint flavor is distinct without being too strong.

The mint brownie is one of Crumbl’s chilled cookies, but eating it chilled isn’t essential. Some people choose to warm it slightly instead. Doing so might make it taste even better.


Here’s another flavor that’s turned a candy bar into a cookie. This one takes direct inspiration from Twix bars, as it starts out with a light cookie base, then a layer of caramel, plus plenty of chocolate on top.

What’s more, this is a chilled cookie. Keeping it cool makes things even better.

There’s one catch though – this cookie is only good if you eat it immediately. Leaving it too long is a recipe for disaster, particularly if it’s a warm day. If you do so, the chocolate gets far too melty and the whole thing can start to fall apart.

Blueberry Cheesecake

This is one of those cookies that some people absolutely love, while others really don’t like at all. It’s a three-layer cookie that starts with a graham cracker, then has a layer of cheesecake frosting on top, and a blob of blueberry jam.

The controversy is because the cookie is undoubtedly sweet, more so than many others. It’s a bit over the top, to be honest, so you need a decent sweet tooth to truly enjoy it.

Chocolate Chip

Crumbl’s milk chocolate chip cookie is their most predictable flavor, as it’s served every week without fail. The cookie is exactly what you’d expect it to be too – a soft cookie packed with milk chocolate chips.

Many people think that the cookie is absolutely perfect and one of the nicest chocolate chip cookies on the market. Chocolate chip is also a reliable flavor, so you always know what to expect.

That said, opinions certainly vary. The biggest problem seems to be that it is a very sweet chocolate chip cookie. That level of sweetness isn’t for everyone.

Dulce De Leche

How can you not love a dulce de leche cookie? As advertised, it has a delicious caramel flavor, but that’s not all there is to it. The flavor profile also has a touch of spiciness to the flavor profile as well, which makes the cookie more complex and much tastier.

Crumbl achieves this by having a spiced cinnamon cookie as the base, with a swirl of cream cheese frosting and dulce de leche. Contrasting the topping and the cookie in this way gives you a delicious treat that isn’t overwhelming at all.

Peppermint Oreo

This is a holiday-inspired flavor, so you’ll mostly see it crop up in fall and winter (it’s sometimes called Andes Mint instead of peppermint Oreo). The treat is simpler than the name suggests. It’s basically a regular chocolate cookie that then has peppermint frosting and some crushed candy canes.

The combination of chocolate and peppermint always works well. This cookie is exceptional if you’re a chocolate lover, as the chocolate flavor dominates the treat. The peppermint flavor is subtler than you might expect, but it’s still there.

While this treat is similar to the mint brownie featured earlier, the peppermint flavor here is much stronger. Are you a true peppermint lover? If so, the peppermint Oreo cookie is the way to go.


This cookie isn’t just named after churros, it also tastes just like the sweet treat. It starts with a fairly basic cinnamon sugar cookie, which is then topped with rich cinnamon buttercream frosting.

The frosting really kicks things up a notch, giving the cookies a creaminess that you don’t find with regular churros. Some people say that it tastes much like Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Not surprisingly, you need to be a cinnamon fan to enjoy this cookie. Still, if you do love cinnamon, you’ll probably come back to the churro cookie time and time again.

Buckeye Brownie

Here’s a second cookie that includes chocolate and peanut butter. The base layer is a thick and rich chocolate cookie, which is then topped with a layer of peanut butter and rich chocolate on the top.

There are some unusual features though. One is that the peanut butter is surprisingly creamy and fluffy. The chocolate on top has a chocolate syrup consistency too, especially as the cookie is normally served warm.

That’s not all, there are also semisweet chocolate chips within the cookie itself, which are often slightly melted. These are the perfect finishing touch and make the cookie so much better.

Caramel Popcorn

Popcorn flavored candy often doesn’t turn out very well. Crumbl’s caramel popcorn cookies are an exception to that pattern.

The treat starts with a sugar cookie base, which is rich and buttery, with more nuance than normal. This is also a chewy cookie, which makes it even more memorable.

Then there’s a thick layer of frosting, some rich caramel, and actual caramel corn on the top. A cookie with so many elements could easily be subpar. This one isn’t though. Instead, it’s one that Crumbl fans can’t get enough of.

Buttermilk Pancake

We talked about a waffle cookie before. Here’s another one that mimics breakfast food – buttermilk pancakes. The cookie here is very buttery, with a touch of maple flavor as well.

It then has two toppings. The first is flavored much like buttermilk syrup, then there’s buttercream frosting on top of that. The whole treat is sweet, but not overwhelmingly so. This means you don’t need an extreme sweet tooth to enjoy it.

Key Lime Pie

Crumbl loves taking desserts and creating a cookie version. This time, we have a key lime pie.

The treat looks simple enough, with a graham cracker cookie at the bottom, plus a creamy frosting with graham cracker crumbs and a fresh lime wedge. There’s a little more to it than that, though, as the cookie also has key lime filling buried within it.

This combination means that the cookie really does taste like a miniature key lime pie. And, it’s the filling that really seals the deal and keeps people coming back to this flavor time and time again.

Lemon Bar

This is one of the more recent additions to Crumbl’s range, as it first came out in December 2021. It has a lemon sugar cookie base, which is served chilled. The cookie is then topped with rich lemon curd and a little powdered sugar.

The only issue is that the lemon flavor is fairly muted. It’s less than you might expect for a lemon curd focused cookie. In fact, the lemon can easily get overwhelmed by the sugar cookie flavor.

Because of this, your opinion of the cookie will vary depending on what you’re looking for.

Biscoff Lava

In case you’re unfamiliar, Biscoff is a caramelized cinnamon cookie that has been turned into an incredibly popular spread. The spread is a little like peanut butter or Nutella, except there’s a strong caramel hit to the flavor.

These Crumbl cookies retain the Biscoff flavor and are stuffed with a gooey Biscoff filling. Then there are Biscoff drizzle and cookie crumbs on top of all that. So, there’s no shortage of Biscoff flavor to go around.

Kentucky Butter Cake

This particular cookie often slips under the radar, but it’s a fast favorite among anyone who knows about it. It starts off with a soft butter cookie, which is then topped with butter sauce and finished with some powdered sugar.

It’s a buttery treat through and through, but one that tastes simply stunning.

Chocolate Oreo

Crumbl’s chocolate Oreo cookie really is a riff on the traditional Oreo. It’s not a sandwich cookie though. Instead, there’s a chocolate cookie as the base, which is topped by vanilla flavored cream cheese frosting. To finish the treat off, some Oreo crumbs are sprinkled on top.

This combination doesn’t sound that exciting, yet chocolate Oreo remains one of Crumbl’s most consistently loved cookies. You might even enjoy it more than actual Oreos.

Cinnamon Fry Bread

Fry bread is traditionally made using unsweetened dough that’s fried in a pan and is treated much like a pancake. Crumbl’s cookie version changes the idea quite a bit by creating a chewy cookie with melted butter glaze and buttercream with flavors of cinnamon and honey.

The treat is sweeter than traditional fry bread, but isn’t excessively sweet. Despite all the differences between this and true fry bread, the cookie is still reminiscent of the bread. More than that, it’s a popular choice and a great Crumbl creation to try for yourself.


Here’s another entry in our list of cookies that taste like other things. This time, the cookie has the flavor of eggnog. It has been topped with a spiced eggnog frosting and finished with a little nutmeg.

While this cookie doesn’t appeal to everyone, most people who love eggnog appear to equally love the cookie. The eggnog flavor is subtle rather than overwhelming, making it perfect for anyone who enjoys nuance in their treats.

Birthday Cake Oreo

This cookie riffs on two flavors that we’ve already talked about. This time, the treat has a chocolate Oreo cookie base, with white cream cheese frosting, plus small Oreo bites and rainbow sprinkles.

This flavor is popular enough that many people have made copycat versions. Still, nothing beats the original, so keep an eye out for this one in Crumbl’s rotation.

Ultimate Peanut Butter

We’ve already talked about two peanut butter cookies, but this one is a little different, as it’s not a chocolate peanut butter version. Instead, there’s only peanut butter.

Not only is the cookie itself peanut butter flavored, but it’s also filled with peanut butter. Then it’s rolled in sugar to give you just enough of a contrast. Finally, there’s a little peanut butter frosting drizzled on the top. It’s a simple cookie, but for peanut butter lovers, it’s an amazing one.

Peanut Butter And Jelly

Crumbl’s peanut butter and jelly cookie often doesn’t make ‘best of’ lists online, but the reviews on social media show that it’s incredibly popular. This one uses a peanut butter cookie as the base, complemented by a swirl of raspberry jelly and peanut butter frosting.

The contrasting colors of the swirls look amazing on top of the cookie and give you interesting flavors in every bite.

The 27 Best Crumbl Cookie Flavors | Food For Net (2024)
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