Pokemon Masters EX reprises the series' longstanding egg-hatching mechanic with a unique take, giving each Pokemon a set of moves and passives depending on their role: Striker, Tech or Support. Each eggmon is acquired via limited-time egg events which are periodically rotated, usually adding new Pokemon that match the event theme. If you want Dragonite, but missed the Dragon egg event, keep an eye out for its eventual re-run to hatch a Dratini to evolve.
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While eggmons are generally much weaker than "gacha units" (those summoned using Masters' in-game currency, gems) they still provide niche uses if your roster isn't fully strengthened. Casual and hardcore players alike should collect as many eggmons as possible; you never know when they may come in handy. Whether you simply enjoy playing with your favorite Pokemon or you need help filling out a 47th team for your Legendary Gauntlet streak, an eggmon might be exactly what you need.
10 Support Primeape

Primeape is a physical force that brings offensive power to the forefront of its kit. However, support Primeape brings raw, martial artist strength to its teammates, not itself. Primeape can buff the team's Attack, Speed, and Critical Hit Rate by one stat rank at a time each — a somewhat minor increase, but still useful nonetheless.
An eggmon rarely offers the ability to fully buff one or more stats, so keep this in mind during team building to allow Primeape to excel. This Fighting-type monkey-pig's best role comes alongside damage dealers that can raise offensive stats by three or four ranks, necessitating a small top-off from Primeape to maximize their potential.
9 Support Tangela

Tangela is one of the most proficient utility Pokemon in Masters, teaming up with the main character (MC) as an eggmon as well as Erika as a Battle Point (BP) pair — offering excellent versatility in both cases. As an eggmon, Tangela supplies an ideal trio of Speed, Defense, and Attack buffs, providing ample offense and survivability while firing off as many moves as possible.
In addition to excellent buffs, Tangela can support your team with Reflect, applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect. Unfortunately, Tangela's healing requires Sunny Weather to activate, but this bundle of vines does boast Endurance to hang on and absorb one last hit before fainting, giving you an extra round of attacks in return.
8 Tech Lapras

This seafaring Pokemon is a master of the ocean, patrolling the open waters with ice in its veins and its moveset. Lapras' primary type in this case is Ice, a niche where it excels as one of only a small handful of Pokemon who can set Hail. Weather and Zone setting is typically reserved for the best Tech Pokemon in Masters, as they provide additional benefits and activate passives that can turn the tide of battle.
Lapras provides Hail for itself just as much as its teammates, as the combination of Snow Shelter and Healing Hail passives ensure that Lapras will be healing damage while Hail pelts Pokemon unlucky enough to be missing those abilities. Lapras' Ice Beam provides a ten percent chance to Freeze, and Icy Wind lowers the Speed of all enemies by one rank, rounding out an excellent utility kit.
7 Support Arbok

Support Arbok may seem like a bit of an unexpected choice, but what Arbok lacks in diversity, it more than makes up for in potency. Despite only buffing Attack and Speed, Arbok distinguishes itself from its peers by providing six rank buffs to maximize the team's Speed.
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While Arbok doesn't directly enhance your team's defenses, it does lower the Attack of all opponents by one upon entry using its Terrify passive — Masters' version of the main series' Intimidate ability. Arbok can also put foes on a timer by afflicting them with Poison, causing damage over time (DoT) as you whittle down your foes with each passing turn.
6 Tech Alakazam

While Arbok is a master of Speed, Alakazam excels as a jack-of-all-trades, offering a kit that is best described as a hybrid between tech and support. Alakazam boasts the Aggravation 2 passive, which enables easy Flinch via Zen Headbutt and a high Confusion chance from Psybeam. In addition, Alakazam can raise both defenses and apply gradual healing, both via trainer move and X Regen.
Despite Alakazam's average defensive stats, it still offers decent survivability due to its healing after each move usage, encouraging an easy-to follow play style of buff-first-then-attack to disrupt your opponents and heal. The ability to inflict two separate forms of status in Confusion and Flinch give Alakazam excellent flexibility to accentuate almost any team's efficacy.
5 Support Dragonite

Support Dragonite takes the healing of Alakazam and adds it to an excellent kit capable of supporting almost any Special Attacker. Dragonite immediately gains Regen upon entry, due to its Healthy Healing passive on top of First Aid 2, which restores 20 percent of its health when it's in a pinch. Dragonite's defenses are also about 20 points above Alakazam's, increasing already impressive survivability for an eggmon.
Dragonite's kit offers even more benefits, as Dire Hit All makes Dragonite one of the essential Critical Hit buffers in the game — an exceptionally important buff for any Attacker. Its trainer move also grants two total ranks of Special Attack and Speed to round out your offensive buffs. Dragon Breath is not to be forgotten either, as its 30 percent chance to Paralyze enemies completes an excellent kit.
4 Tech Kabutops

Tech Kabutops' most useful attribute is undoubtedly its Sandstorm, as weather setters are always in high demand — especially Sandstorm users. Kabutops takes a page out of Alakazam's book with an identical trainer move, raising both defenses and providing gradual healing — an essential tool in ensuring you survive to use your Sandstorm.
Kabutops' Rock Tomb can lower opponent's Speed, while Ancient Power provides a ten percent chance at raising all of your stats at once. Massive Speed along with protection and healing in Sandstorm via its passives sets Kabutops above fellow eggmon weather setters like Lapras, though it does lack flexibility.
3 Tech Exeggutor

Another defensively-focused tech, Exeggutor carries on the torch with another trainer move identical to Alakazam and Kabutops, with a somewhat limited, but extremely potent kit. Exeggutor possesses Hypnosis to put foes to Sleep — perhaps the most useful status condition in the game, as it can be chained nearly infinitely if properly timed.
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Troublemaker 1 ensures that Confusion also inflicts the status, which can remain even while a Pokemon is Asleep. This means that even if an enemy Pokemon does wake up, it may hit itself in confusion rather than inflict damage on you. Exeggutor's high Speed and X Speed move ensure gauges won't be an issue, allowing you to spam your moves freely to completely halt the opposing team's offense.
2 Tech Blastoise

Tech Blastoise is another example of an eggmon doubling as both a tech and a support, excelling in its hybrid role with its principal usage: Rain Dance. Setting Rainy Weather is a valuable ability which is only accentuated by the excellent Water-type choices available, ranging from Kyogre to Empoleon. Blastoise raises both defenses and its Critical Hit Rate, while also providing excellent utility moves.
Aggravation 2 enhances Bubble Beam's Speed-lowering chance, as well as Water Pulse's chance to Confuse the target — giving Blastoise a potent blend of debuffing and status, much like Tech Kabutops. Racing Rain pushes Blastoise's gauge management into the highest tier, as its high Speed guarantees the gauges will keep flowing for your team.
1 Tech Venomoth

Venomoth's kit contains a unique set of unprecedented abilities for eggmons, highlighted by its two status-inflicting moves: Stun Spore, and Infestation, which provide Paralysis and Trap respectively. Venomoth can be an invaluable asset to several teams, especially in Legendary Gauntlet.
Its trainer move and X Speed combination is a copy of Exeggutor's kit, with a Speed stat similar to Kabutops. Troublemaker 1 provides reliability to Stun Spore, while Infestation already guarantees you Trap the target with every use. If your team is struggling in Legendary Gauntlet, chances are Venomoth can come in to provide the disruption necessary to negate most damage-reducing passive abilities. If you have a Tech Venonat in your daycare, don't delay in powering it up right away.
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