Metra Union Pacific West Schedule (2024)

1. Union Pacific West (UP-W) - Metra

  • On Monday, October 9, the Geneva outbound platform (Platform 2) will be closed for rehabilitation through the end of 2024. Commuters must use the temporary ...

2. [PDF] Union Pacific West Line - Metra

  • 30 mei 2023 · The below weekday pilot schedule is effective May 30, 2023. Please check for updates and service alerts. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE. Zone.

3. Union Pacific West (UP-W) - Metra

  • 500 W. Madison St., Chicago, IL 60606 · No agent; ticket vending machines available · Upper M-Sat: 5 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Sunday: 7 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Lower M-F: 5 ...

4. Union Pacific West Train Schedule - Metra - Chicagoland Transit

  • Monday-Friday - Ogilvie Transportation Center ; 4, Elburn, 4:15am ; 4, La Fox, 4:19am ; 4, Geneva, 4:27am ; 4, West Chicago, 4:35am ...

  • ‹ í]ksÛȕý+³5²+& ôÙÒVÆc§R;I\±'©Ý©)DBÆ Á@ɚÍþ÷m ¤Ø·I4di(—òa9E’Ê‹¼¨&«ÊIՕ§º^*\:Ww«3ç¢HÎOãóø²Œêsãþ×_TÕ²<'ëG_L«öÁGy13ß>íà2M®–êƒís]¥Óêâdš¨K’asðÂIi•ÆÙ°œÄYrâ½pæñçt¾šoNÐ'Nâbr±©j¼\fªN•ê¾q¾Lí¯Ó¤œé²>û‡ÏóLëî9ì麛&Ú^=j.¡ÍT]gIy‘$ÕæÆUò¹OÊò¶&Š·mTòѪ&qY Ù(žÇ¿æ‹øªMòy]Àø’Ëq[þhž.FêÔhöëÎ/Oü¦Zsj¥µèë|¾Ì’*qÊ WÏóbÍֆÞÏWUb–õ)¹¾Ê‹i©´Z¯n yá4‡UZ_sVϛµýëj´Ý$^äÕ(™›šÛŒ‹ºÎãºúã͚b7T/b\åóÜO_µí¡wÉÏñeܞœ:éù³¡wr2Í'«¹zDÕäù§4µÝül¼Ègñøùóÿ½ŒçC:=9RüXÓâ?<Æý£—õ/—ñ/Ήs¥^Åüj´çè_ÿr~üéeýçh¹*/žýx¤ž`òéz‰þ¡^€£Ÿž““EÝHß«öùPÃÒŬF<;_-&uÏ>{î4Z)NŽ/òy¼ˆ³ë*´„Y¦Wé§ñ€¨Æš¦¤¤ø¡ÈŽTÇýáhÞ4Ñhy±4ï®ÀïÓ*ùóTÕ3«_ë›MoÚè…3;™Ž&EWɛ,©O=;jôè¹ênõã,©Ö¿”ß^ˆgU„Úb~tz95=rdôÈÑKg6ŠËëÅä¤*VI}T““m}.¤-ãBþ×|šŒRõNÕ·‰¢tòlö¢|þòÿž?Sÿ8¯Æm™-%Þ¨zM‹×겆ãvœ?˧×Î$‹ËòdÐR¸áÖǛ·¥ªúía<½L˼¸8ê}©?ŠƒúáúEQ£Ñ4½lO'‹ÕÇü2)²øZ«óíç%)ZÐú¾í©a•/äüü,ûØþ¦ÎÇM‘õ0T;0®mÇçöÚ¶èñËú¶ñæâ–Økì®Ïr5”&×«á*_6ؼX_ß>z¼ÖÅÍòÁéÞ梁DuéœÞäãflWýt‘«fõx7¯E}×ö×ÓWéb¹Ú¼ô›K6M·¥´Ý/m]ô–YK2ú|Š–“Ogùçö)VeÒ´{óŸ:?”‰ózUÔ¯‹óýú‡Wãu1–Öw)’r™«w醥ú=.Òé4Y´w˜%ùÇL•S­¦É¦ é¹qÇÅùb¶{õöäxSƒMõ¶=S×r•5Nשiµíݡν½|lzïûö¨!ÚæFÓ´T娯TQœÔMÊe¼8ýãú}WVˆóæü<™(v6?lÙ¼½ppúÝÍßïé-”=4kûèô•:8}µÊ6O°,”qU\«³Q³9]¿v³ºê5LäYÙü5MÎcÕ tШXÎ4®â¡*l¸¾o{-ÅWùl–©—z>Û´ëú-t>Ô`­òÚ 6cÝöë3;wºéœó´(·æÔàôïIœÕ6Ó¾aëaf/øf̽©ÚºWÒ¤Dם«E¹½èm}¸Æ[1cÝ{Yzk_Lj›üN=¡®ìê‡õȸïÖ흌&Z?¿ú­i5øc3° Tšb‹hlEÒ´ò¸¹K Ùmíîf\ª÷ŽíX_ÚՐïêâ¿]ݙËë{ܲú×u#nn´¯%غ)op··g{Ï`ݚ–ÙZ1wkÍæÚ®ælæwmËÍniÌÖ¼/«õøØNSÞ·‡F;i3 ðöæ\߶...

5. Union Pacific West | Metra

  • Weekdays 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Contact Us. For any emergency call 911 or notify Metra Police at 312-322-2800 or via the MetraCOPS app. For non-emergency ...

  • What is now the UP West line started as the Galena & Chicago Union in 1848, the first railroad in Chicago. The two other UP lines had different origins in the 1850s. Chicago & North Western owned all three for most of their existence. These lines passed to UP ownership when the C&NW merged with UP in 1995. UP now operates and dispatches trains from Omaha, Nebraska. The trains run on the left-hand side, thought to be a function of how the first track and depots were situated when a second track was added. The UP West line was extended to Elburn in 2006.

6. Union Pacific West Line | RTAMS

  • Union Pacific West Line. View Schedule on Metra Website. Zoom in. Zoom out ... West Chicago | Wheaton | Winfield. US Congressional District. 3 Delia Ramirez ...

  • Council of Mayors

7. UP-NW - Union Pacific Northwest Train Schedule - Metra

  • Union Pacific Northwest Schedule · Monday-Friday - Chicago OTC · Monday-Friday - Harvard Station · Saturday - Chicago OTC · Saturday - Harvard Station, Crystal Lake ...

  • ‹ í}ýsÛFÒ濂å^­“zM˜ XºÚ8ÉM\±s[w[[.ˆ„$Æ$ÁAÙÚ{ï¿@Jè¡ô !B&}{?āÆ|wÏL<ýêwßýüúÝÿ|ó½w]Ìgç¯Ê½Y²¸:¤‹á¯oöQšLÎ_Ób–žÿúføÓß¼¡÷ëbš-¼7Éxz9{?eyqý1]Þ»<™.¼·ãët²ž¥–ð¯i‘'öÿ¯¯§ãä*³%OJ¢ÅjZ¼Õe¾š§E⍯“|•gƒuq9Œ›§‹džž½(Û³N®ÒÞ8[é¢8{ñýO¶q/¶ßnž.³Ù,ûørº˜¤Ÿõǃ<»ÈŠ•-p6]|ðòtv6X]ۏׅ7µ_¼âvié¦s[ÃÈ>x×yzy6]&7%ÁIùlÔýûë¢X®NG£ñ¦ë‹IQwü$˯ÜÂï{;¸™¦—¶‚Á}¿>N'ÅõÙ$µŸ¤ÃêÇKoº˜Ód6\“Yz¼ôæɧé|=ß> =N“||½mj²\Îl› ;‡£l™.귓t5ΧËòé|šÏ,q9=gƒ¦înˆî¿>©>¡ÃTÜÎÒÕušÛŠ‹ôS1¯V Qr?F+y²^ ÓdUÅI2Oþ•-’«“q6/ÝH=ªË?™O'öÑÉÕ¿þûüæ,¬ÑÎF·#ú:›/gi‘z«íZ½ÌòÍj­ù/ÙºHÝÂ>¤·³|²j”´^ïŠyéÕ¿‹iùÕEù`^ê¹t÷ÝÑ:ã7NÙÂ̌·¢ªzFyÙìQՅѶŠªÜß -7&E6ϼáðüU=(Íyù-¹I꧃sozùÕ08;›dãõÜvӎ{öašžÔsýÕh‘]%£¯¿þß7INÎ^ØE²Yÿ-2|ñMùæý2ù§wæ}´ü˜}{açî?^Ì«!:Y^/ÝÚ-ñÛi‘þeb mŸíÛ²²Éݽô®Î&'ãúêE= /¾¶óm_^¥ÅæÍêÛÛwÉÕOvQÝÓüÝÿÇ7W'Ռ¼pfäÅ7ÞÕI²º]ŒÏŠ|–¿Vùøì¾½¿­,Éêd™ä¶ðŸ²Iz2µŒ™ß¦v]§_]½\}ýÍÿùú+û÷jT—Y/‰ï-Wo–ÅkûYµ6FµÈ¿È&·Þx–¬VgƒzW‹ëýË¥´¿ÿ™Ln¦«,¿x–gÊ}À.ŒAùÇpÃ,V$M¦7õãt±~ŸÝ¤ù,¹µGöy½Ó¤yM´©·~4,²å€<Ÿ_ÌÞ×ïìó¤*²”Ee±çÛZH×t?¢§ß”Õ&ۏ녽¡}Â÷³ÌÊÓ´õ{+³²eE›å›ïë®'[‚Á¦¸«lpþà¦i?±S:§•¼ß x;Oי-઺IÅe­õÛóWÓÅr½eúí'ۂ&÷¥ÔÂîŸu[š/–³dœ^g3[åÙàmõл¸õÞÚ^yùîeýG¹ª_z¯§ÅíK/-Æ'''ï&™­m‘•$ª±©ö¢°+¨*¦¸ÛJWë‹y¹Él>úÁJŒêÃÆüÛ1|_®*»ºª%0K.ÒíŸ]–ãÙ§ºëUZ{µ ŒÎ½_W©÷z—ìâý¸yñj´)f»JËZòtµÌ,/Ý­Òf×ÓÉ$]Ô5\¥Ùû™-§XOÒíÒg£–³ÅÕî×÷GÛl›w?3e+׳ê˜S“ŒÊ5R.«ûÙ6×ރ뱚½ë_ÕBÛV4™®l9v›ÊËÝÉV²Z&‹ó?nøÝE¼ï//Ó±]Õ‹ûÕ|ÿáàü»»¿ëžvhaEWõ¿²?Î_­gÛ,s{ÂÊoíÓêd³}\²ÝUÙû‡ÙlUý5I/; Th”/6BÛ$E2´… 7õÖßRú"»ºšY¦ž_mÇuÅ޻’¸ÑøF[Yw_ÃæÉNMw“s9ÍW÷gªÁù/i2+^Ía1ó ñÌ½kÚfV¦é }wi7ŠÕýG?”?7ô¬•±™½Ùôѹ—ó'̈́ý²m6’ñ^*>m&ꚜ!Úôß¾«ÆÀŠáw¬›3@%Aµ!ÖÕyÑ!©FyTÕR’ìŽvû0.­À}â8–Ÿ¶ 䛲øo×O^˛:YeåÛÍ n+zh$+²ÍPÞÑ=>žuw„åh2³...

8. Union Pacific Third Main Line Project | Geneva, IL - Official Website

  • Scheduled to start Monday, Aug. 19 following completion of work at Route 31. The closure will last six weeks. Western Avenue Crossing. Shut down for 12 weeks.

  • Union Pacific plans to expand the UP/Metra West Line by constructing a third rail line from Geneva to West Chicago.

9. Metra Schedule Changes to Suburban Lines Go Into Effect Tuesday

  • 29 mei 2023 · The Union Pacific West line contains 19 stations, running from the Ogilvie Transportation Center to Elburn, with notable stops in Geneva, ...

  • Schedule changes to two of Metra’s busiest lines that run to and from Chicago’s western and northwestern suburbs will take effect Tuesday.

10. Metra adds trains to Union Pacific-West schedule

  • 23 nov 2022 · The new schedule will include a new express train making limited stops to and from Glen Ellyn, Ill.; peak-period service with trains every 10-20 ...

  • CHICAGO — Commuter operator Metra will add 18 trains — nine inbound and nine outbound — to its Union Pacific-West schedule on Monday, Dec., 5 while also adjusting to a “memory schedule” offering more consistent arrival and departure times in off-peak periods. Metra will make minor changes to its UP North schedule on the same date. “We have said since the start

11. Here's a Look at Upcoming Changes to Metra Schedules on 2 Major Lines

  • 24 mei 2023 · Metra's Union Pacific West and Union Pacific Northwest lines will receive updated schedules that the transit agency says will better reflect ...

  • Two of Metra’s busiest lines that service many of Chicago’s western and northwestern suburbs will see changes to their schedules following Memorial Day.

12. Metra Union Pacific Lines | Dovetail Games Forums

  • 22 mrt 2022 · Metra operates 10 inbound trains and 10 outbound trains on the Union Pacific West Line on Saturdays. All inbound trains originate from Elburn ...

  • Intro: Hi I Got An Suggestion For Metra Union Pacific Lines The Union Pacific North Line (UP-N) is a Metra line in the Chicago metropolitan area. It...

Metra Union Pacific West Schedule (2024)


What is the busiest Metra stop? ›

The top three busiest stations remained the same between the 2016 and 2018 counts. Route 59 on the BNSF Line has been Metra's busiest station for more than a decade. Naperville, also on the BNSF, was second and Ravenswood on the Union Pacific North Line ranked third.

How many people ride Metra a day? ›

Other Metra Statistics
2022 On-Time Performance95.4%
Average Weekday Passengers281,100*
Average Weekend Passengers93,200*
Trains Scheduled per Weekday692*
Trains Scheduled per Weekend454*
6 more rows

How do you know which track your train is on Metra? ›

Just before you make your way down a set of stairs and/or ramp, there is a departures monitor that uses a screen reader, so you can stop and check from which track your train is departing. Trains on the Milwaukee Districts North and West and the North Central Service depart from the North Concourse.

How many people can fit on a Metra train? ›

The new trains, which will run during off-peak times, consist of two rail cars that can hold up to 112 passengers. Metra touted the trains as more economical and environmentally friendly than their diesel counterparts.

Why do Metra trains honk? ›

Train crews also may deem it necessary to sound a horn as a warning when there is a vehicle, person or animal near the tracks. Track construction, workers within 25 feet of a live track or malfunctioning crossings, also require crews to sound the horn.

Why does Metra have police? ›

"The primary mission of the Metra Police Department shall be to safeguard the lives of Metra commuters, its employees and those who use the Metra rail system."

What is the longest Metra route? ›

The longest Metra route, the Union Pacific Northwest Line is a 63.2-mile (101.7 km) route from Ogilvie Transportation Center to Harvard, Illinois, with most trains ending in Crystal Lake. During weekdays except for holidays, service also includes a 7.59-mile (12.21 km) branch line from Pingree Road to McHenry.

How fast can Metra trains go? ›

The speed limit on the system's only overhead catenary-powered line is 65 mph. But according to Metra Executive Director Jim Derwinski, that is a holdover from the 1920s, based on what the brakes could handle at the time. By comparison, the speed limit of the South Shore Line from the Loop to South Bend, IN is 79 mph.

Can you drink beer on the Metra train? ›

Alcohol is generally allowed on Metra trains, in moderation. Metra reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who is intoxicated or impaired.

Are there bathrooms on Metra trains? ›

Are there toilets on the trains and in the stations? All Metra trains have toilets on board.

Does Metra take debit cards on the train? ›

Payment options will include any credit or debit cards, Apple Pay/Google Pay or Ventra transit value already added to your account (you can also add a credit/debit card if you haven't added one yet). You can also choose to split the payment between two options.

How do I check the train schedule? ›

Visit the RailMitra website or download the RailMitra app from the Play Store. Navigate to the 'Train Schedule' option. Enter Train Number or Train Name in the 'Train Schedule' box and select the desired train from the autosuggest options. Hit the 'Check Train Schedule' button.

Do Metra trains have wifi? ›

Wi-Fi on Metra

The 62 railcars that have Wi-Fi hotspots can be identified with an orange Wi-Fi decal on the exterior of the car. In general, the hotspots are limited to a 1 megabyte per second download speed per user. Checking email and Internet browsing are the intended uses of this service, not streaming video.

Why is it called Metra? ›

Due to the complicated and patchwork nature of commuter rail at the time, the CRD in 1985 came up with the name “Metra” as a service mark for the system as a whole (short for “Metropolitan Rail”).

How heavy is a Metra train? ›

Gallery Type Bi-Level Passenger Car for METRA
Car TypeCab Car
Max. Passenger Capacity(Seating Capacity)238 (138) + Up to 3 wheelchair securing spaces available
Tare Weight127,200 lbs. (57.7 ton)
Principal DimensionsLength85' 0”(25908mm)
Width9' 9 25/32”(2992mm)
10 more rows

What is the busiest train station in Chicago? ›

Chicago Union Station is the size of nearly 10 city blocks, is the third-busiest rail terminal in the United States, and is Amtrak's overall fourth busiest station, serving about 140,000 passengers on an average weekday.

What is the busiest metro system? ›

The world's largest single rapid transit service provider by number of stations (472 stations in total) is the New York City Subway. The busiest rapid transit systems in the world by annual ridership are the Shanghai Metro, Tokyo subway system, Seoul Metro and the Moscow Metro.

What is the busiest L line in Chicago? ›

The Red Line is a rapid transit line in Chicago, run by the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) as part of the Chicago "L" system. It is the busiest line on the "L" system, with an average of 93,457 passengers boarding each weekday in 2022. The route is 26 miles (42 km) long with a total of 33 stations.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.